The FireBlade has been off the road since mid August now since her MOT expired. As I previously mentioned, without changing the tyres, she would have failed. The local community highly recommends a man in a van called JT Tyres, who you can find through Facebook. We arranged that he would come around on Monday last week and I asked him if could make it early as I was working from home. The van arrived at 08:30 and as I didn't need the wheels put back on, less than 25mins later he was all done. The two of them didn't even finish the tea I made them. I was very impressed. I've gone for GT Angels again as they last well and I'm confident in their performance.
As the wheels are off, I'm taking the opportunity to clean the bike in the hard to reach places, just in time to cover it in winter crap. Kevin, my local mobile mechanic from Motor Vehicle Services, has started to offer ACF-50 winter treatments and I think that would be a pretty good idea. Yes I know I could do it myself, but its worth having that conversation anyway.