I didn't know what to expect if I'm honest, but part of me expected it to be a bit slow and ponderous. I couldn't have been more wrong if I tried.
What I saw today beggars belief. Look, I'm no angel on the bike and will go quick when the moment allows it, but its a case of when and where. Some of the riding I saw today sent shivers down my spine and I'm truly amazed that everybody made it there in one piece. Passing over solid white lines, on blind bends, carving through traffic and too many risky overtakes to mention, some with pillions for good measure.
Everybody recons they can ride, but riding isn't about pinning it or taking unnecessary risks. Nobody should head out for fun on a Sunday morning and not come back.
Did I enjoy my ride? Yes, but then I was just out for a gentle bimble, I wasn't trying to ride the Dorset TT through holiday traffic nor carrying a passenger. Maybe I found myself too close to the front and maybe I'm better suited to the back, taking it easy.
The people on the ride seem a good bunch. I know a few of them through other bike meets and I'm not going to tell them how to ride as its not my place to. Its their bike, their life and their choice.
In my eyes a group rideout should be a casual affair, not a balls out thrash. If you want to race and prove how good you are, book a trackday. That way if you do come off, its not a headline in the local paper.