We've been fairly lucky in the UK this year, with Autumn remaining defiant well into mid to late November, but over the last few days, winter finally stood up and said enough's enough delivering sub zero overnight temperatures.
To celebrate its return, I've now got to treat the 'Blade with some ACF-50, but to do it properly (something I didn't really do last year) the panels need to come off....all of them.
So in the first stage of my Matt vs Winter, I've given the outside of the bike a good clean, with the express intention of getting the panels off, washing it again, treating it and then putting it back together.
I'm off work for a week soon, so this will be one of the main jobs that I'll do, the others bike wise, will be to sort the front calipers out and put the Ducabike rearsets onto the 1098s.
The weather chaps on the telly are saying its going to drop to minus 4 tonight in rural areas, which, well, is where I live, so if that kind of temperature persists, I won't be doing a whole heap of commuting by bike this week. Don't have any heated kit and for what is in effect a two hour commute, it would be too dangerous.
If you're out there riding this week, stay safe people.