Yesterday I mentioned getting my pictures back, so here are some photos of the photos, which is a little ironic don't you think. Anyway, the first one is three pictures of me at the Ron Haslam and Chris Walker Race schools and the middle one, is me on the 1098 at Silverstone.
Today was dry, albeit a little chilly, which meant I could actually ride the bike today and not just point it in 'Juan Direction' (look it up on Youtube - trust me) and bobble through wet greasy London streets. With the aforementioned Monster arriving tomorrow, today was the penultimate commuter ride for the 1098, and thinking about it, probably for 2013. The plan over the weekend it to give it a full 'panels off' clean and put it away for winter. Judging by the look of my front tyre, that's definitely for the best. I called up Ducati Insurance today too, just confirming my cover start from tomorrow for the Monster, so as the bike already has some tax left on it, I'm all legal for tomorrow. Yesterday I mentioned getting my pictures back, so here are some photos of the photos, which is a little ironic don't you think. Anyway, the first one is three pictures of me at the Ron Haslam and Chris Walker Race schools and the middle one, is me on the 1098 at Silverstone. I'm not sure where I'm going to hang it, but I was worried I'd loose the photos or never get around the getting them framed. The second one is a picture of Neil Hodgson from 2003 on his Ducati 999. I just love the monochrome look of the picture and the black framing works really well. You can just see that the leading edge of the frame is white as well which really complements the picture.
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MeMy name is Matt Brown and I'm a UK journalist formerly based in London, but now calling the South of England home. I've been riding bikes since 2007, but got hooked straight away. Nothing gives me the feeling of freedom, even when stuck in a city. In 2010 I became a RoSPA gold rider, but when it comes down to it, I'm Just a normal man, riding his bikes as often as he can. Archives
April 2019