This week, despite a damp start on Thursday, has been really promising. The temperatures are heading up and the sun is coming out more than its not and I've been able to get on two wheels nearly everyday, which has been great. The week started on the Ducati and ended on the FireBlade, mainly has I needed the additional luggage capacity to take my work laptop between locations. The weather on Wednesday afternoon can genuinely be described as the best of the year so far. Strong sun, a cloudless sky and some of the best roads in my county to ride across. It was heaven.
I will admit, that I did get a little carried away at times, but it did feel great to ride the bike like it was designed. Empty roads and 150bhp of sweet handling sportsbike is one of life's wonderful calculations.
Of course with this being the UK, it won't always be sunny and dry, but for now, well until at least late October, we are very unlikely to see sub zero temperatures again. So with that knowledge to hand, I can see the seven months being full of adventures and great riding. Can't wait.