Well on Monday afternoon I took a box of bits and a selection of fairing panels up the road in order to have the crash damage to my 1098 fixed. All being well, I should get it back later today and in a much better state then when I dropped it off a few weeks back. I know its been a long time since I crashed but the team at Metropolis have been very busy and I've been playing the fool on my FireBlade so all in all, not the end of the world. Most of the work is just getting it back to being ridable without spending a fortune replacing any trick parts, so the original footpegs are going back on and I've got a new clip on and some old matching grips that came off my Zx7R. When I get it back home, there will be a few things I'll want to do. Firstly I think its going to need a damn good clean and the second thing is, once all the dirt and grud is off, is to give the bike a good once over making note of all the minor bits of damage that will need to be looked at when I get back from Italy.
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MeMy name is Matt Brown and I'm a UK journalist formerly based in London, but now calling the South of England home. I've been riding bikes since 2007, but got hooked straight away. Nothing gives me the feeling of freedom, even when stuck in a city. In 2010 I became a RoSPA gold rider, but when it comes down to it, I'm Just a normal man, riding his bikes as often as he can. Archives
April 2019