With a new year now underway, I thought it long overdue to replace my tinted visor on my Arai Chaser. Recently the Pinlock had failed and with a heavily marked and scratched visor, a change had to be made.
Previously I've gone for the mirror finish, but this time opted for a plain black one, mainly down to price. Sportsbikeshop were selling the black visor £20 cheaper than the mirror, so it was really a no brainer.
On the topic of visors, I stick with the genuine article and will never buy secondhand. Scanning Ebay you can find sellers advertising new visors at £20 or less and my personal viewpoint is that they are £20 for a reason. Yes, with a genuine visor, you are paying more for the name, but there is a reason they have that name in the first place. I've been hit in the face by stones when riding and would hate to imagine the visor failing under those circumstances.