After the expected cold January and using the car pretty much all the time, it was good to get on the bike with only the risk of water under my wheels.
On Monday I did run into a fog bank on the dual carriageway on the way to work, but on the way home, it was just heavy rain. Today, it was heavyish rain on the way there and half a dry ride back before the rains returned, but to be honest, I really didn't mind, in fact I enjoyed it. I have no aversion to riding in the rain, that is, as long as I'm wearing textiles or an oversuit that keeps the water on the outside.
The weather for the remainder of the week is expected to turn really nasty, with really high winds and rain combining to make riding conditions that only a real fool would actively choose to ride in.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel though and that is that Spring is close and then the real riding of 2017 can begin.