I had arranged to meet my mate Phil up near Newbury in Berkshire and the weather gods really smiled on us today. I've known Phil for several years through online forums and social media etc, we got on really well and a friendship soon formed. We had talked about going out for a ride a few times beforehand, but they never materialised, until today that is.
I left the house just after 09:00 and went the back way up past Salisbury and Winchester and got to our meeting point at Tothill Services early enough to grab some food and a coffee. I saw Phil arrive and he was on his freshly restored Yamaha FZR600 (you can watch his restoration on his Youtube channel) and after joining me for a coffee we headed out.
First stop was Moto Rapido to pick up some bearings and then it was down to Poole Quay via Salisbury, Cranborne and Wimborne. The weather was perfect - warm, still and bright.
We got to Sutton Scotney Services after I just about managed to navigate through Winchester where we took stock of the day and said our goodbyes as we watched a very large man leave on a very small and very noisy old Vespa. We both agreed it was an excellent day and that we will be doing something very similar again.
My original plan was to just head down the A34, pick up the M3 and M27 and cruise home, but the exit I chose didnt have a roundabout and I found myself heading back to Salisbury and for the third time in one day, I found myself riding down my favourite roads in the county, which were so much more rewarding than the motorway. See, I struck lucky.